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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Procurement Analyst - IFC

Background / General description:
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private-sector arm of the World Bank Group, fosters sustainable economic growth in developing countries by financing private sector investment, mobilizing capital in the international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments. 

IFC procures both for its own account (administrative procurement) and within its projects (operational procurement for Investment and Advisory Services). The IFC Procurement Coordination Unit (CFAPC) within the Financial Operations and Accounting Department (CFA) is in charge of coordination and oversight of procurement activities to ensure compliance with existing procurement procedure rules.
The Procurement Analyst reports to the Procurement Officer, who reports to CFAPC. 
The Procurement Analyst is an integral member of the IFC Procurement Network.
Duties and Accountabilities:
The role of the Procurement Analyst is to support IFC staff in the procurement process of firms and individuals and coordinate with the Transaction Specialists, according to the direction provided by the Procurement Officer. The responsibilities of the Procurement Analyst include: 

1. Supporting Procurement Planning 
• Support the development of operational and administrative procurement plans across the region in coordination with the Procurement Officer.
• Support the implementation of the approved annual strategy plan, and the measurement of performance and results.
• Keep abreast of new /revised WB/IFC procurement policies/procedures/guidelines and ensure they are communicated and implemented.

2. Supporting the Procurement Selection Process 
In liaison with the Procurement Officer, provide reference, guidance, and advice to staff on IFC operational and administrative procurement policies and procedures, and best practice throughout the selection and contract management process:
• Provide sign off for operational procurement regarding firms and for all individual selections (STC/STT) within certain threshold values
• Provide guidance to IFC staff responsible for handling administrative procurements, and assist them to conduct mini bids under established master agreements when applicable. Coordinate with GSDPR as required to ensure all administrative procurement requirements are met. 
• Review/evaluate selections below certain values and provide advice to mitigate any risks for possible misprocurement Assist staff in identifying potential conflict of interests and refer to the GSDPR/CHARS for advice/ guidance.
• Act as a point of reference for eConsultant2 for non technical issues

3. Training and Sharing Knowledge
• Liaise with Procurement Officer in the development of annual procurement training programs within the region.

• Coordinate with the Procurement Officer in the development of procurement training materials and conduct regular procurement training sessions (including orientation sessions for newly hired Task Managers) on relevant selection process and contract management issues in coordination with the Procurement Officer.
• Raise awareness on selection process and contract management issues by communicating with project teams on common procedural and/or administrative issues/ problems and lessons learned.
• Keep abreast of new information shared via Sharepoint, iCollaborate and the IFC Procurement website.

4. Monitoring Compliance, and Reporting
• Monitor compliance with IFC procurement policies and procedures and bring issues of non-compliance to the attention of the Procurement Officer/ CFAPC. Assist the Procurement Officer with the development and implementation of any plan to correct identified non-compliance issues.
• Assist in the preparation and perform initial quality assurance check of any compliance/monitoring reports, data requested by CFAPC.
• Ensure region has streamlined process for contract issuance and work with the Procurement Officer to ensure proper controls are in place.
• Coordinate with the Procurement Officer on reporting needs and use SAP and eConsultant2 directly for adhoc needs. 

5. Miscellaneous
• Keep abreast of current activities within IFC Procurement Network and maintain productive working relationships with the Procurement Officer, IFC Procurement Network members, with IBRD’s Corporate Procurement (GSDPR), IFC HR (CHARS), Transaction Specialists, Regional Finance Staff and external consultants.
• Review and interpret regional procurement data with the Procurement Officer by using the balanced score card. Support and act as mentor for the procurement junior staff in their regions.
Selection Criteria:
Technical Skills:
Understanding and consistent ability to apply:
 Public or private sector procurement policies and procedures.
 WBG procurement policies, best practice, systems and tools
 Project Management skills
 Knowledge of IFC’s corporate environment
 Data mining, analysis and interpretation, and quantitative skills
 Presentation and communication skills
 Microsoft Office, Internet, Lotus Notes, and SAP applications.

Behavioral Skills:
 Accepts accountability for quality and timeliness of results delivery 
 Analyses available information, provides first level of risk analysis and communicates clearly
 Builds and shares basic knowledge
 Values working in a team environment
 Exhibits leadership skills by focusing on personal impact and acting proactively
 Acts decisively in time-sensitive situations
 Incorporates views from outside own area in coming up with ideas and plans
 Customizes approach based on the audience
 Creates a sense of urgency to meet client demands

Educational skills:
 Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline (preferable law, procurement, finance, business or commerce) with at least 4 years of procurement experience in a corporate setting.
Deadline: 17.04.2012
Apply Now

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