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Friday, May 22, 2015

Grants and Compliance Manager - DAI

Scope of the project
The purpose of the Drivers for Accountability (DAP) programme is to improve the Kenyan Government’s accountability to its citizens, thereby supporting the goal of making Kenya a more stable democracy. The core aims are to set in place reforms for the next Kenyan election in 2014, increase citizen’s participation in the decision making process and reduce impunity for elected representatives, officials and public institutions.

Grants Management
DAI manages a suite of grantees for donors in accordance with a Grants Manual developed by DAI and under Agreements executed between grantees and DAI on behalf of donors. A proposal flow chart identifies the process by which grants are commissioned, prepared and reviewed which includes a comprehensive due diligence check linked to the DFID Due Diligence Framework. These pre-award compliance checks are conducted by the Grants Manager (and occasionally an externally commissioned auditor). The program has a strong capacity development and M&E focus. Where weaknesses are identified in financial management and related areas, the Grants Manager are expected to support grantee capacity development building through mentoring and training.
Length of the project: The programme is due to conclude in December 2015

Duties and Responsibilities:
As a member of the DAI / DAP management team the Grants and Compliance Manager will:

  • Make and implement agreed recommendations for strengthening and clarifying the Grants Manual including the reporting obligations of grantees;
  • Develop additional reporting tools as required;
  • Conduct pre-award due diligence checks on prospective grantees that includes assessment  of the financial, organization governance, grants management and administrative capacity of grantees and proved advice on any capacity gaps; (Aspects of this wil be done in partnership with other team members);
  • Manage the grants management operations of the basket fund including   reviewing the quarterly financial reports and ensuring all reports are complete and accurate;
  • Maintain financial oversight of programme funds tracking spending to ensure compliance with financial management regulations and donor requirements;
  • Provide feedback, support and mentoring to grantees on financial reporting and systems;
  • Budget tracking of partner organizations budgets during their program implementation to ensure that they are in accordance with their scorecards;
  • Conduct random spot checks on a minimum 10-15 receipts per quarter;
  • Conduct random project in-house audits;
  • Provide comprehensive grantee financial reporting details and quarterly funds request to the Finance Manager for audits;
  • Prepare a quarterly grantee financial report for inclusion in DAI’s quarterly report to donors
  • Ensure grants management records are uploaded into TAMIS efficiently, ensuring TAMIS is always up to date;
  • Support the on-going assessment of performance delivery of grantees against project objectives;
  • Liaise closely with grantees to ensure understanding  of and compliance with the grants management manual and procedures;
  • Working closely with grantees and other DAI specialists, coach Basket grantees to enhance effective compliance with grant obligations;
  • Together with other DAI specialists guide grantees in implementing  their proposals according to DAP Partner guidelines;
  • In collaboration with the Capacity Development Manager, undertake scheduled and spot check field visits to grantees;
  • Provide other support to the DAI team effort as requested by Team Leader;
  • With all team members, participate in identifying and articulating a thematically-based risk and mitigation strategy for DAP;
  • Participate in JSC quarterly meetings and  other meetings as required;
  • Contribute to efforts in meeting donor reporting requirements as well as reporting to DAI Europe home office;
  • Develop and oversee the process of conducting the final grantees evaluation reporting and closure of grants in line with DAP partner guidelines and DAP Grants Manual;
  • Contribute to capturing lessons learned, end of project audit as well as organisation of end of year grantee forum;
  • If the programme moves to a second phase, review the grants procedures and Grants Manual in line with DAP Partner guidelines.


  • Must be a qualified CPA
  • Strong grants management experience
  • Experience working with DFID and/or EOD (Embassy of Denmark), CIDA
  • Experience working in Kenya and/or East Africa
  • Solid understanding of CSOs and other relevant grassroots organisations in Kenya
  • Understanding of constitutional and electoral reform, government accountability, transparency and political processes

Key Qualifications

  • Financial  management  qualifications
  • 10 or more years of experience working with civil society organisations in a developing country context
  • Experience establishing and managing grants programs
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Fluency in English (both written and oral) is essential

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